May 6, 2020

Hello there!

General Kenobi! You are a bold one...

Hey, so... I'm thinking of making this my brain dump blog to just do some writing on tech/programming matters now and then. I'm not sure how wide the subject range might be, but I'll probably rant on things I've had to fix lately, or maybe some different things I've bumped into.

I could just write in Medium, but I guess I'm more comfortable here outside the grid. Maybe I'll eventually export some posts there if it's common interest, but I don't know if I'll cater to the traditional Medium tech article style. I love the informal or direct way of some blogs that stay outside it, as Uncle Bob's or Stuart Sierra's; their posts' length varies a lot and I guess I'll have less to say sometimes.

As you can see, I don't have a commenting section, but feel free to reach me out and tell me I'm wrong or stuff like that (I probably am). Oh wait, I'd have to leave here some kind of means of contact, but I can't think of any reasonable one just yet for a blog. I'll figure something out.

Until next time!