Who am I

My picture

My name is Caio Rulli and I'm a software engineer. Clojure developer by trade, having also worked with Java, Javascript and Python, mostly in a backend web development context. I am a functional programming enthusiast, I plan on hitting my head into a wall until I learn proper Haskell, and, well, who knows what next. I also really like Linux and gaming.

What will you find here

I'm keeping this blog to post some ideas I am able to write down. I also plan to write tutorials when applicable: sometimes, it's that random blog's obscure library's walkthrough that's going to save your day.

As for topics, they might include programming language theory, functional programming, and free software in general. Or whatever makes sense writing about, really.

Why "Conquest Blog"?

Oh well, you'll have to know some portuguese to get it, I guess.